Tuesday, 26 February 2013

The Face Project

I took place in The Face Project . I love the concept, and can't wait to see all the faces at the end of the year. Make sure to check it out.

Thursday, 21 February 2013


So I went to see Django last night and I am by no means a film critic but there are so many aspects of Quentin Tarantino's films that I love, the style, cinematography, music and the way he pushes boundaries, taking something that would be quite gruesome and making it almost comical. QT films are so good...I can't help but see the comparison between him and Baz Luhrman, they take a subject, like slavery which has been done in films many times before and create a unique spin on it. Did I mention that I love Baz Luhrman films? Anyway one of the best aspects of this film (apart from how cool Jamie Foxx is) is the music. Fantastic soundtrack. Check out the full soundtrack here.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

DDB & Tribal Amsterdam

My favourite ad today from DDB & Tribal Amsterdam and directed by Mattias Schut.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

My favourite celebrity endorsed adverts right now. David Beckham, H&M. Beyonce, O2. Wow.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Claudio Parentela

Claudio Parentela is an Italian artist from Catanzaro, he works as an illustrator, painter, photographer, cartoonist and freelance journalist. He recently submitted his work to me, so in the interest of promoting this as an online gallery take a look at his work below. You can see influences of the Pop Art movement here similar to Robert Rauschenberg's work in some of his pieces especially with the different mediums he has used. But of course with a slightly more edgy and provocative angle. Anyway as art is subjective I will let you make your own decision... 
For more examples of his work check out his website.