Friday, 16 December 2011

Monday, 12 December 2011

Saatchi Gallery

Made a trip to the Saatchi Gallery at the weekend. Have to say nothing really took my fancy, as a wheel chair with a pile of rubbish on it is not what I consider art. But at least it gets people out there and talking about art. One woman in particular amused me with her thoughts looking at lots of square images which create a big image "its like lots of little images but when you look at it, it makes a big image" most insightful. Thank you random stranger. I feel a lot more intelligent now.

One piece which did make people stop was the mirrored wall which moved (vibrating at different frequencies) Lots of people were taking pictures (including me) but unfortunatley a vibrating wall just looks like a wall in a photo. ha. not so intelligent after all....

Hide & Seek with Film4

I can remember times when I felt entirely alive.